Monday, October 22, 2007

Diet news 22/10/2007 02:41

Shape - Guilt-free breakfast treats: no need to eat oversize calorie-packed muffins. When you want something really yummy, try these easy sweets under 300 calories
October 1, 2007 -- DIET STRATEGY Satisfy a sweet tooth without blowing your diet Having breakfast is a key part of a successful weight-loss plan. Studies show it helps ...
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Prevention in diet (USA Today)
Prevention in diet Jennifer K. Reilly, senior nutritionist, The Cancer Project - Washington While cancer death rates may have dropped, they still are too high ("Cancer deaths drop off rapidly," News, Oct. 15).*http%3A//
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Shape - "How I changed my life for the better": with a new son and a new outlook, Sheryl Crow shares her secrets for living a happier life
October 1, 2007 -- When Sheryl Crow appeared on Shape's cover in January 2006, her life seemed just about perfect. She was engaged to world-champion cyclist Lance Armstrong, ...
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The Idealist's Diet (Newsday)
Lose weight, feel great, have no life. In an ideal world, we would all wear a size two, be able to run a mile in five minutes, and have a personal chef to prepare us three meals a day with snacks in between. Unfortunately, the world we live in is far from ideal. That's why The Good Mood Diet, while wonderful in theory, falls short in its execution.*http%3A//,0,7222594.story?track=rss
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Newsweek - Killing The Consumer
October 1, 2007 -- Since lung cancer has outstripped breast cancer as a killer of women, younger smokers have to be constantly created to fill the death gap. In a ...
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Weighing in on my latest diet attempt (Gloucester County Times)
Not to be outdone by colleague Jim Six, who is slenderizing before our very eyes, I've embarked on Shryock Diet No. 100 or thereabouts. I've not bothered writing about diets since, I think, Reagan was in the White House. That's because I haven't been under 200 pounds since then, why bother?*http%3A//
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Philadelphia Inquirer, The - Chick Wit | A long-running fad diet - Movie candy and popcorn
September 23, 2007 -- Recently, my daughter and I went to the movies and saw one of the worst movies ever. But we had a great time, for one reason: Movie candy. I used to think that I loved the movies, but I realized
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Newsweek - Starting The Good Life In The Womb
September 17, 2007 -- Pregnant women who eat right, watch their weight and stay active can actually improve their unborn babies’ chances of growing into healthy adults. Most pregnant women know they can hurt
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Jovovich Conceived On Fatty Diet (ContactMusic)
Actress MILLA JOVOVICH struggled to get pregnant - until she tried a diet of peanut butter, jelly and scones. The Resident Evil star, 31, found it di*http%3A//
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HealthDay - Study Rates Heart Health of Popular Diet Plans
October 5, 2007 -- Not all diet plans are equally heart-healthy, according to a study ranking eight popular weight-loss programs. Diets that emphasize a variety of fruits ...
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