Thursday, October 11, 2007

Diet news 11/10/2007 08:50

Newsweek - Homeroom Zombies
September 17, 2007 -- Teens need at least nine hours of sleep a night, though few get that much and early school start times don’t help. Here’s what parents ...
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British teens clueless when it comes to a healthy diet (News-Medical-Net)
A survey by a large supermarket chain in Britain has revealed that a third of teenage girls are on a diet or have recently tried to lose weight.*http%3A//
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Low-fat diet cuts ovarian cancer risk (The World)
WASHINGTON - Try fewer burgers and more veggies after menopause: Cutting dietary fat may offer a long-sought protection against deadly ovarian cancer - if you stick with the diet long enough.*http%3A//
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HealthDay - Health Tip: Finding Fiber in Your Diet
September 25, 2007 -- Fiber should be an important part of every diet. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, dietary fiber can help prevent heart disease, ...
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Low-fat diet cuts ovarian cancer risk: study (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
A low-fat diet may protect women from ovarian cancer, U.S. researchers said on Tuesday.*http%3A//
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Breast Cancer and Your Diet (ABC News)
Does diet affect breast cancer treatment?*http%3A//
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Low fat diet cuts ovarian cancer risk (AAP via Yahoo!7 News)
A low-fat diet may protect women from ovarian cancer, US researchers say.*http%3A//
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Low fat diet shows decreased risk for ovarian cancer (Food Navigator)
11/10/2007 - A low fat diet could reduce the risk of ovarian cancer in postmenopausal women, according to the US' Women's Health Initiative (WHI) Dietary modification trial.*http%3A//
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Low-fat diet may lower ovarian cancer risk (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
Long-term adherence to a low-fat diet may reduce the risk of ovarian cancer, according to the results of the Women's Health Initiative Dietary Modification trial, which involved nearly 50,000 postmenopausal women.*http%3A//
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The right diet to ward off breast cancer (Tulsa World)
Dietitians recommend limiting the amount of fat and salt in your diet to prevent or reduce the risk of breast cancer. This pan-seared grouper, sweet potatoes and winter squash is a good example of a healthy meal.*http%3A//
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