Sunday, October 14, 2007

Diet news 14/10/2007 16:27

The Parliament Hill diet (
OTTAWA -When pol-iticians return to Parliament Hill next week, they will be eating less --though not by choice. Jud Simpson, the executive chef at the House of Commons, is on a mission to keep MPs, senators and their staff from getting too fat or unhealthy -- a common downside of life in politics.*http%3A//
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Low-fat diet later may cut ovarian cancer risk (
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Try fewer burgers and more veggies after menopause: Cutting dietary fat may offer a long-sought protection against deadly ovarian cancer -- if you stick with the diet long enough.*http%3A//
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Spirulina Microalgae: The New Functional Food Option In Our Diet (Medical News Today)
The ever-increasing demand for aliments that offers consumers the fulfilment of more than just their traditional nourishment requirements has prompted the need to find other natural sources of ingredients that offer additional health benefits in addition to being nutritive, in order to produce what is known as "functional foods". [click link for full article]*http%3A//
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Philadelphia Inquirer, The - On the Side | The trans- fat-free diet - want fries with that?
September 13, 2007 -- When they started deep-frying the Oreos at the Indiana State Fair in trans fat-free oil, you knew in your bones that the stuff was finally, really, ...
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Japanese officials embark on 'samurai' diet (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Overweight local government officials in Japan have slimmed down with a three-month 'samurai' diet, soldiering on despite a fellow samurai's death.*http%3A//
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Newsweek - Starting The Good Life In The Womb
September 17, 2007 -- Pregnant women who eat right, watch their weight and stay active can actually improve their unborn babies’ chances of growing into healthy adults. Most pregnant women know they can hurt
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Newsweek - Homeroom Zombies
September 17, 2007 -- Teens need at least nine hours of sleep a night, though few get that much and early school start times don’t help. Here’s what parents ...
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HealthDay - Health Tip: Finding Fiber in Your Diet
September 25, 2007 -- Fiber should be an important part of every diet. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, dietary fiber can help prevent heart disease, ...
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Fukuda, Tanaka duel in Diet (Japan Today)
TOKYO — Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda and former Foreign Minister Makiko Tanaka, known to be political foes, engaged in heated exchanges over North Korea's abduction of Japanese nationals and other issues in their first face-off in a Diet panel session on Friday.*http%3A//
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Newsweek - The Cultural War On Diabetes
September 17, 2007 -- There’s an epidemic underway in this country, and minority communities are being hit hard. How two Los Angeles doctors are finding new ways ...
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