Sunday, September 16, 2007

Diet news 16/09/2007

Ingredients for a healthy diet (Channel 4)
Consumers are confused about what makes up a healthy, balanced diet, the official food watchdog has said. Conflicting messages from different weight-loss diets could be one reason behind this, according to the Food Standards Agency (FSA).

I am currently on Phase 2 of South Beach and am wondering if polenta is allowed?

The 10 Major Diet Don’ts
... “Yeah, I eat pretty health. I mean at least when I can.” Many African Americans feel like they eat healthy and those that feel they aren’t eating so healthy don’t feel that their diets are that bad.Most of us are [...]

The amazing new kilogram diet
Ah, the metric system. The most beautiful irrelevant thing I teach my kids. (Irrelevant only because of their crazy American lives - it will, of course, turn out to be relevant if they go on to careers in science, or Canada. ...

I think the best about the Fat Smash Diet ...
I think the best about the Fat Smash Diet is that it totally changed my taste buds. I no longer crave for sweets. They just don't taste that good no more. I even give up diet sodas. I am now hooked to brown rice and just plain veggies. ...

lose pounds fat burner burn fat